1st Post!!

Hello World,

Wait... this isn't a blog about writing code?? This is a blog to gather some easy, "cheap" and great tasting receipts that I find tasty and possibly enjoyable.

I'm going to "try" to mark each recipe I cook, so I can keep track as to which on I personally like! Hopefully each recipes I make, I could luck out with buying the ingredients cheap/ on sale.

Every post will be accompanied by a label/tag so I can easy track it and I'll use the Comments as a way for me to track any updates/ progress or tips.

..... yeah that should work!!.....

Agile method!! if i need to refine the process I'll do it as I go, right?!!!

To give credit where they are deserve, each post will have the original link to the source along with any quick credits to the writer / chef.

Anywhos!! on to creating my list of recipes!


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